Tonight at bedtime Collin was doing his usual “stalling” getting into bed. You know the whole game of “Me need a drink!”, “I happta (have to) go poop!”, “Me don’t know how go to sweep (sleep)!”…… Well he did all of these tonight & then completely floored me with this one-
Collin- “Mom… me happta tell you a sneakret (secret)”
Me- “what is it?”
Collin- “Gracie lobs (loves) Collin… Collin looobs (loooves) Gracie!”
Me- “Oh really!?!?”
Collin- “Yep…me do!”
Me- “Who told you Gracie does?”
Collin- “Hers did!
LOL!!!!!!!! Guess Emily & I are gonna have to start keeping a better watch on these two!!