Mr. Studmuffin gettin all spiffy for the ladies!
Future GQ cover model ??!!
Ok, I guess I'll go! But I'm not gonna like it!!
He seriously made every excuse possible why he couldnt go today! My 2 favs were "but I didnt finish getting growd up yet, I cant go til I all growd up!!" & as we were driving up to the school he noticed they havent finished the remodeling project, so he says "look, thems not done buildin it yet! I cant go to school today. . . . cause it's not fixed yet!!"
Dispite all of the excuses, the minute we walked into the school he marched right into his classroom, went straight to his cubby & hung up his stuff, & ran to join in on circle time! I actually dont think he even said good-bye to us! {sniff, sniff}
Schools out!!
& "mommy, I had fun!" {me} "so, do you wanna go back tomarrow?", {Ethan} "Uhhhh, YEAH!"
The school has been awaiting Ethan's arrival! Since Grampy {my step dad} just retired recently from working for the school, Auntie "A" {my sister} is now working there, & I have a bunch of school employees as clients, the school has known all about him. His teacher had already done a few great "homemade" adaptions in his classroom last year because there was another little boy in her class that also has achondroplasia. She had the hooks in 1 cubby lowered, strings attached to the door handles so he can open them himself, a stool attached to 1 chair for his feet to rest on so they dont dangle, & a back rest on the chair. But since it is Pre K almost everything is at his level right now. But if anyone has suggestions of good school adaptions that will be helpful in the few years I would greatly appriciate it if you'd share them with me so I can pass them along to the school. :0)
What a cutie! So glad that he had a great day! I love his different excuses and he looks so grown up in the pictures - even if he doesn't think he's growd up!
Look at that cool guy with the spiky hair! So glad to hear he had an awesome first day!
Oh my goodness, if he'd have said he was too cute to go to school, you would have had to let him stay home - because it would have sooooo been true! Awesome that his class is all ready for him, and glad he was willing to go back!
I loved all his reasons of why he couldn't go to school yet - glad to hear he had fun and wants to go back! How cool that his teacher was ready for him because of having an Achon kid last year!
He is just too funny! That is pretty neat that another achon kid was at his school. I'm sure that helps you that you don't have to educate everyone.
Hope he keeps doing well!
Ethan is SO cute! I love the excuses he came up with - classic! I swear it is the cuteness in our kiddos that keep us going!
Yay for an awesome first day! I love his back to school cute outfit! He is just so adorable!!!
jen-thank you for this post. I am laughing so hard at Ethan's excuses-just what I needed this morning! He is such a studmuffin. He will be ruling circle time in no time at all! How cool that his teacher is already so well versed with having an achon student! YAY! Hope Ethan has a wonderful year!
Ethan sure did have some good excuses. He looked so grown up going to pre-K, very handsome too. That great that his class was so set up for him. I hope that he has a great year.
Ethan looks just as handsome as ever! Happy he likes it there and took to the classroom so quickly. How very fortunate you were to have a classroom that already had a few modifications done for the prior student that had achon!!
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