
EtHaN iS 5!!!

Well my baby turned 5! :( I cant believe my baby is 5 already! :( He’s going to be starting kindergarten in less than 2 weeks! :( Where has the time gone?!?!?

Months ago I had mentioned something about his birthday & he said “ Mom. . . this year can I have a AC/DC birthday??” I explained to him that I didnt think any of his friends would even know who AC/DC is! So I told him we could make it a AC/DC – Rock ‘n’Roll party.He liked that idea. So months went by & he would still make comments about wanting his AC/DC – Rock’n’Roll birthday, so I got busy planning!

He had such a great party! I decided that this year I didnt want to deal with all the work that goes into having a party at the house. So I rented the pavilion at the park near our house. It was so much easier to set up & clean up there then have to do all of the extra house & yard work. 

Ethan was so excited once all of the decorations & the bounce house went up!

Here is the AC/DC cake I made.


And the “Rock Star” cupcake cake I made.


The cakes & the goody bags.  I made up all different labels for the bags (AC/DC logos, Guitars, AC/DC songs), decorated them with glitter stars, & filled them all with guitar necklaces, rock star yoyos, pop rocks candy, ring pops, & other lil goodies.

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The AC/DC shirt I made him to wear for his party.


The handsome birthday boy.


His 2 best buds from Pre K.

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The super fun bounce house! (Which I greatly enjoyed after all the kids left!)


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The piƱata that wouldnt die!! Fred ended up having to break it cause the kids couldnt do it!

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We had to light the candle 3 times because Collin kept blowing it out for Ethan.


Opening his gifts. He loved all of his gifts! Especially his new balance bike & all of the John Deere tractors!!

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He had such a great time! It made all of the work & stress I put into it so worth it!!


Here he is riding his new balance bike around the house with his cool new flame helmet.

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On the day of his actual birthday we spent the day at camp. He has made a good friend at camp that happens to share the same birthday (but is 1 year older).  Our families had a nice dinner together & I made them a little cake. We forgot to bring candles but happened to have some sparklers! (Not easy to blow out!) 


Nashville {part 4}


This was our last full day in Nashville!

During the day we did some shopping & sight seeing.


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The boys werent really sure what to think about the Elvis statue that Fred & I thought was pretty cool. After he hesitated for a minute, Ethan said “why you want my picture with that guy?”  We said “just go stand there & get it over with! Collin looked at it strangely but “hammed” up rather fast!

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We met up with the Camengas’ for lunch and couldnt resist the photo op with the boys in their cowboy hats! 

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This is the Ryman auditorium we went to the night of the Grand ol Opry show.

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Ethan & I had a nice chat with lil Ashley & her mom Elizabeth.

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On our way to the family night show. The kids all loved that the elevator had a window wall. 

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The matching outfits were not planned!!!

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The kids watching/waiting for Seamus & Grace’s Pop.

Family night was alot of fun. It started with a group of tap dancers, then a group that did fun acts with juggling, lights, instruments, & much more. & the last act was a hypnotist, who was so funny!!! 

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Our kids kinda decided they’d join the dancers performing, even though  they werent invited to!

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Watching the performers. july 4 2010 & Nashville 215

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This is the night view from our hotel. Good night Nashville!



{Good-bye Nashville}


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I really dont dress my kids like this! But this if how they wanted to look on the flight home. I wasnt up for a fight so I just went with it!

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Our view from the air.

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We had a blast! We had such a fun time! Wish everyone lived closer so we could get together more often!