Well, as usual it has been very busy here at the Weisser household. This week Ethan had his 6 month check up with his ENT dr. and we are happy to report that his tubes are still in place & look great! I was nervous since he had an ear infection in December. But thank goodness they look good! His ENT shared some of his own good news with us while we were there, he is going to be in Time magazine this summer because he is one of five doctors that are doing somekind of special new surgery for throat cancer patients. I think that's really something for a doctor practicing in such a small area of upstate NY.

Look at these pretty little princesses! Yes Seamus is wearing little pink high heels! And Ethan has sparkly rings on. What wierdos!
~Fun with friends~
A few weeks ago we had our monthly get together with our good friends the Camenga's. It's always a very fun day! The boys had a lot of fun playing in Grace's room, even tho Grace wasn't in the room with them most of the time! They decided to get into her dress up cloths, they were being awfully silly!!
Look at these pretty little princesses! Yes Seamus is wearing little pink high heels! And Ethan has sparkly rings on. What wierdos!
We weren't going to be able to see Grace for her birthday so we gave her an early birthday present.
I saw this cabbage patch doll & fell in love. I had to get it for her! I loved my cabbage patch dolls when I was little. I actually still have them, Patricia & Michael. I love getting to buy little girl stuff, since I am overwhelmed with trucks, trains, & tools in our house! I'd probably be in major financial trouble if we had a girl!
Every visit before we part we always torture ourselves to get pics of the kids together. Gracie loves getting her picture with baby Collin.

And the boys are always being too silly to take a nice picture. Usually tackling each other. This time Ethan decided to give Seamus a ''wet willy''. A lovely little trick daddy decided to teach him!

A few weeks ago we took the boys out sledding for the first time. Ethan had a ball!!! We got a large sled that all four of us could go on at the same time. My camera battery died so I was only able to get a couple of shots. Ethan also got an awesome blow up snowmobile sled for Christmas form Aunt Kari & Uncle Beau that he had a ton of fun on. He insisted on starting at the top of the hill and going down all by himself. He went whizzing down that hill & wanted to do it again & again! I was able to get a video but I cant seem to figure out how to post videos yet.

Daddy & Collin ready for take off. Collin wasn't really sure what to make of it all!

Look who is quite the big boy now! He has been pulling himself up to stand! I really think he's gonna skip crawling & go straight to walking. Scary! We were really spoiled by Ethan's delayed walking. (I think all of us parents of LP would agree.) Cause once they start your always on the go!
He was having lots of fun playing in the laundry basket, while I was trying to fold the laundry.
Collin is also now waving hi & bye. And after he waves he starts clapping his hands & saying "Yay". He's so proud of himself!

Every visit before we part we always torture ourselves to get pics of the kids together. Gracie loves getting her picture with baby Collin.

And the boys are always being too silly to take a nice picture. Usually tackling each other. This time Ethan decided to give Seamus a ''wet willy''. A lovely little trick daddy decided to teach him!

~Sledding fun~

Daddy & Collin ready for take off. Collin wasn't really sure what to make of it all!

~Look at me!~
Look who is quite the big boy now! He has been pulling himself up to stand! I really think he's gonna skip crawling & go straight to walking. Scary! We were really spoiled by Ethan's delayed walking. (I think all of us parents of LP would agree.) Cause once they start your always on the go!

Awww! Ethan and Seamus sure are silly boys! It's so nice that you are all able to get together every once in a while! Looks like you all had a load of fun sledding! I wish we had enough snow to do that here! Way to go Collin on puling up to stand and waving hi and bye! They grow up too fast! I'm enjoying Sonya being my third and last baby and her little delays!
I can't believe that Ethan is giving Wet Willys! I was the only girl growing up in the family - between 1 brother and 4 boy cousins, I got my share of wet willys! HAHA!! It sure looks like Gracie loved the Cabbage Patch doll! Caitlyn's got 2 and loves them! My mom still has mine and my brothers and Caty loves playing with them when we visit. I wish that we got snow, so Caty could experience sledding - I know she would get a kick out of it! Looks like you've had a GREAT January!
The wet willy and the pretty princesses are both hysterical! Loved the bobsledding pics too... you covered so much ground on this one it's hard to remember what all you said by the time I got to the end! LOL
Wow! You did have a busy January! Love to see pictures of when the LP's get together! Snow is so much fun with the kiddos. Snow is something we don't see much of here in Sacramento, CA unless we go about 2 hrs east to the Sierra Nevada.
I love the pictures of the boys playing dress up ... so funny!!! and how nice of Grace to allow them to play with her dress up clothes ... What a great opportunity for the Seamus and Ethan to grow up together.
Congrats to Collin on his recent developments! I love when they congratulate themselves on their accomplishments, Caden does the same ... so cute!
What a fun post and great pictures! Ethan and Seamus are so silly and adorable dressing up with Gracie's things! Love the wet willy picture - having two brothers, I remember those days! You can tell that all 4 of them have a great time together! Love the sledding pictures too - so much fun!
I'm glad Ethan's ENT appointment went so well! Wow - Collin is getting so big and growing up so fast! Way to go, Collin, on pulling up and waving - you should be poud! So cute!
Aw, the pics of Collin are great! he is getting to be such a big boy! The sledding looks awesome...we are dying to take the kids sledding and I'm glad to see it was a hit with Ethan. Can't wait to show the pics to Seamus!
I am impressed-wet willy at such a tender age! You guys are so lucky you see each other once a month. The boys are going to be the best of friends. And I understand buying for girls. I always love getting Grace her birthday present!
Collin is getting so big! Yes delayed walking was quite the blessing.
As always the pictures are great because the kids are adorable!
I love your blog! It's so great to visit with you and hear and see the fun. Great job and thanks!
Love, Uncle Mark
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