
Nashville {part 2}


(I know I am way behind with this!   I’m really trying to catch up!!)

july 4 2010 & Nashville 070july 4 2010 & Nashville 072

These boys love staying in hotels! I thought it was too funny how little Collin looked in that King sized bed! Ethan loved the little chair & ottoman in the room. He decided that was the perfect size bed for him!

Unfortunately on day 2 I wasn't able to take very many pictures. I had just gotten my new camera just before the trip & I hadn't really had time to fool around with it before we left. So when I did start to play around with it I ended up tossing it (2 feet from me) onto the fluffy hotel bed, to Fred so he could take a picture of me w/ the boys & it stopped working! I thought I was going to cry! But I decided to charge it & leave it alone for a few hours & it started working again!!

We really had nothing planned for this day except the POLP meet up later in the afternoon. So we spent most of the day “site seeing”.

   july 4 2010 & Nashville 073  july 4 2010 & Nashville 075

We went to take a trolley ride with Seamus & Preston but by the time I got to the front of the line, the tickets were sold out! Parker showed up later too & also missed out on this trolley too.  So since we were missing the trolley we went on a mission to find some cowboy hats! Collin LOVES his hat! He barely took it off the whole time!

july 4 2010 & Nashville 076 july 4 2010 & Nashville 077

Here he’s reading his tractor book while daddy tries to “steal” his new hat!

july 4 2010 & Nashville 078 july 4 2010 & Nashville 079 july 4 2010 & Nashville 080

And that’s where day 2’s photos stop! It was just a few minutes later that the camera stopped working! 

We had a great time at the POLP meet up! It’s so nice getting to finally meet up with people you feel like you’ve know forever!


Destini said...

Collin rocks the cowboy hat! I'm sure that it was nice to have a day to just wander around and site see! Can't wait to see the rest of your trip!

Melissa Swartley said...

The cowboy hat is so adorable on Collin! Love all the pics! I'm so glad to see that everyone had a fantastic time!

Kim said...

It's actually nice to see these pictures now and look back on such an awesome trip! Collin is the cutest in that hat, and did a good job of ignoring Fred who was trying to steal his hat. Miss you guys already!

Greene Family said...

Collin is so adorable in his cowboy hat!! Cute pictures! Is he still wearing it around now that you're home?
Bummer about the trolley ride! Glad your new camera started working again after a little break!